Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Days 35-36: 12.6 weeks until race

I hit the gym even though my knee was still a little sore today.  Biking actually made my knee feel better, which was a shocker.  I did a few weight machines and came home and did some additional stretches and exercises but nothing knee related.  I can't tell you the last time I did a lunge was, which is unfortunate because lunges are a good quad workout!  I'd rather run though.  I'd hate to go into a deep lunge and stay that way permanently.

Day 35: The day after my 6.5 mile run was...interesting.  I limped around at work all day but was somewhat proud to tell people it was because I ran 6.5 miles the day before.  And it wasn't the limp that was troublesome, it was that all-too-familiar knee pain :( I tried to limit my walking as much as possible.  I was secretly hoping my students would push me down the hallways on the lunch cart.  I feel like I should stay off my feet until my next long run.  Needless to say, it was a rest day.
Surprisingly, I wasn't in pain other than the limp.  My back was a little sore, strangely enough.  I thought I was going to have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, but since I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow (I was so exhausted), I think my body had time to recover.
By the way, I have been hungry ever since my run!  I feel like an eating machine!!

Quote of the day: "I was unable to walk for a whole week after...but it was the most pleasant exhaustion I have ever known" -Emil Zatopek, describing her Olympic marathon win in Helsinki
(And I'm only half-way to a half marathon--I can only imagine...)

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