Sunday, March 4, 2012

Days 12-14: 16 weeks until race

Today (day 14) was a physical rest day, but I was running in spirit, alongside the Iditarod dog sled teams. I've never seen such happy dogs in my life!  I wish I could share their joy.  I'll have to remind myself to be thankful for warmth during my next few runs.  Those teams will be racing in the middle of nowhere Alaska for the next week and a half to two weeks (over 1,000 miles).  Here's to inspiration!

Day 13 consisted of a long run, which I was dreading all day!  I always regret not getting to the gym first thing on the weekends.  Knowing that I have to run at some point during the day is like having a grey cloud follow you around everywhere.
The run was pushed back to later in the day with good reason.  I decided to get some much needed sleep instead of heading downtown to watch the Iditarod ceremonial start.  Sad, I know, but my body needed rest, and I would get to see the running dogs soon enough.
After getting a few things done during the day, we headed downtown to do our third "Running with the Reindeer!"  Nathan set up his camera towards the end of the run--ladder and all, so he could see above the crowd.  This year, I decided to make my way to the front since I am actually in decent running shape.  The only problem was that I made it halfway to the end before I was able to see any reindeer passing me. (They always give humans a head start.)  The run itself was pretty challenging because there's been a ton of snow (we're about to beat a snowfall record) and I was wearing all my snow gear.  The thin, cold air made it hard to breathe, as well.  This all confirmed to me why we're training indoors.
After all the excitement, I couldn't deny the fact that we were about to spend another weekend night at the gym.  I was feeling very anxious that I wouldn't be able to do it.  That's what I get for letting my brain get the best of me all day.  As I ran, I mentally cut the 5.5 mile goal into pieces, taking it one mile at a time, sometimes even five minutes at a time.  I knew once I got halfway that I'd be set.  If I can run 2.75, I can run 2.75 more, I kept telling myself.  It was the last mile that was most dreadful, especially the last few minutes.  I can't deny the fact that the STOP button was calling me name!  I didn't let myself give in though.  And how proud I was at the end!  The most excitement comes when I realize I won't have a long run for at least a few days.  Yippee!

Day 12 was a cross training day.  I did the thirty minute circuit at the gym, as well as the stair master.  Not an especially exciting day.  Possibly notable, however, is that we spent our Friday night at the gym...this is taking over our lives!

Quote of the day: "Wherever you go, go with all your heart" -Confucius quote; campaigned by Iditarod musher DeeDee Jonrowe, breast-cancer surviver and record holder for fastest female finishing time

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