Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 20: 15 weeks until race

I am blogging early today because I know I am going to be physically useless the rest of the day.  The past few days, I've been experiencing a minor leg cramp (maybe from NOT running?).  After running six miles yesterday, the cramp became more painful.  As the night went on, my left leg started hurting more, especially around my knee area.  It is not the same bad knee pain that made me take a break from running a few months ago, but it was enough to get me thinking I better take it easy.  There's nothing worse than wanting to run and knowing you can but being stopped by pain.
After baby-ing my knee last night, it is feeling better today.  I'm hoping that staying off it today will mean I'll be able to run again tomorrow.  Lesson learned: skipping runs is not fun.  I'm thinking yesterday's long run was hard on my body because I skipped a short run this week.  At this point, my body thinks running three miles is normal activity, which makes running six miles only "feel" like three.  Well, if I run zero miles before a long run, the six miles FEELS LIKE SIX MILES.  The math makes sense in my head.
On a positive note, I earned my first real running blister; what a "mile" stone!  It is pretty minor, and it doesn't hurt, but I'm hoping it will not bother me on my next run or get any worse.  We have some expensive running socks, but they are so small, I can never find them!  Time to invest in at least a few more pairs!!

Quote of the day: "Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest" -Ashleigh Brilliant

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