Thursday, March 22, 2012

Days 28-31: 13.5 weeks until race

Today was Day 31, and hopefully, it was also the last day of my recovery.  I've had to take almost an entire week off to let my knee heal.  I found that 3-4 days was not enough.
To celebrate my last recovery day, you would think I would give myself a rest day--too bad I did too much of that earlier in the week.  Instead, I went to the gym and did the thirty minute circuit.  It had been a while.  Thankfully my body knew what to do (my mind pretty much wandered).
A fellow runner of mine who ran her first half marathon last summer told me she wished she would've done more strength training to carry her through to the end.  She said your muscles get to the point where they are not running anymore, they are just surviving, so they need to be strong.  Now if only I could talk her into training with me...

Day 30: Finally made it back into gym-routine.  I went for the two most mindless activities: elliptical and bike.  While I was on both machines (not at the same time of course), I spent most of the time trying to distract myself by messing with my phone.  I learned that my phone internet sucks at the gym.  Texting my friend about spa treatments helped it go by faster :)

Day 29: We went for a walk outside to watch the sunset and get some fresh air.  I figured it would beat the gym, and it did!

Day 28: I did nothing on this day, except sulk about how I couldn't run :(

Quote of the day: "Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health" -Julia Child
While this quote is directly about food, it can indirectly be interpreted to be about running (plus, I love food, and running can be like food).  Moderately exercise in small helpings, which is what I have been doing, and do a little bit of every type of exercise so you don't get bored.  Don't forget to have fun being healthy!

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