Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 32: 91 days until race

I have so much to write about; I don't know where to start!  I'll start at the beginning, the morning.
I woke up to some interesting calf soreness, presumably caused by not using them for a while and then doing the circuit steps yesterday.  A strange thought occurred to me: if my calves are sore, my knees couldn't possibly hurt at the same time.  Otherwise, I would just give up.  Only one thing can hurt at a time, so this must mean the pain has moved on.  Logical reasoning, right?!?
As the day progressed, I started to get excited about my scheduled run.  Would this be the day I could resume my training?  I was hoping so, regardless of the calf soreness.  Calf pain is nothing compared to knee pain.  You simply deal with it.
I had a good feeling when I got home.  I took a little rest, got my gear on and got a good-luck goodbye kiss from hubby.  I prepared for the run mentally on my drive to the gym.  And then, I saw her--my polar plunge pal who ran her first half marathon last summer (see last post), and she was driving right behind me!  I was just thinking about her!  It was a sign!  Then, she turned right behind me onto the little backstreet that leads to my gym.  I started imagining that she was trying to catch up to me to wish me good luck, but then she turned in to park at the bread place.  Good enough.  I think that counts as a sign.  (I actually called her and told her how ironic it was that I was thinking about her AND saw her on my way to the gym.  I was really excited and she seemed to be too, but I think it might've really been her excitement for bread.  Bread is definitely more exciting than a random girl calling to say "I saw you driving!")
So there I was, on the treadmill, the moment of truth.  I started with a walking warm up.  It took me forever to untangle my headphones--why does that always happen.  I laughed and took it as another sign.  This was it.  I started running, and kept running, and didn't want to stop running.  I thought about saying "screw the schedule" and just running 13.1 miles then and there.  But then I realized I need to be able to walk tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.  I decided to go for 6, and then thought 3 would be a safer bet.  I need to let my knee remember what it feels like to run before I plop right back into my training.  I will save my long run for another day, I told myself.  Today is just me getting back into the running business.
I loved every minute of my run, mostly because I was able to do it.  Around my three mile goal, I noticed a knee soreness that happens any time I run but nothing painful.  As I wrapped it up, I noted my better mood and increased energy.  All of the sudden, I felt like I could run all the errands I had been dreading all week, and I would've--but I have better things to do: blog about my run so I can remember the feeling when I want to quit.  So here it is.

Quote of the day: "I feel good, danananananana, I knew that I would..." -James Brown

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