Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 21: 102 days until race

Today's feeling can be described by one word: defeat :(
After resting my legs yesterday, I still felt discomfort in my left knee today. Not being able to run when you know you can and want to more than anything in the world is the worst feeling ever!  Even more depressing is the fact that I am now on Spring Break, which means I have all the time in the world to train, but I physically can't do it!
Life goes on, however.  I was running some errands today and had the urge to avoid walking, which is impossible at costco and the grocery story.  Using a motorized cart crossed my mind (so I could stay off my knee and let it heal and go running later)!  I imagined myself pushing the little buttons and cruising around the store, and it was just too weird of an image.  Maybe next time.
I don't find it ironic that yesterday's chapter in my current running book was called "The Pain."  Author Dawn Dais strongly suggests "if you have an injury, take it easy for a few days and give your body a chance to heal.  Also, don't run on a injury in hopes of altering your running style to accommodate your pain" (The Non-Runners's Marathon Guide for Women, pg. 158).  HOW DID SHE READ MY MIND?!
Currently, my training schedule is sticking to the fridge via magnet.  I can't even look at it.  When I laid out my training plan on a calendar over a month ago, I chose to follow an intense training schedule that would have me running more than 13 miles before the race, so I would be better prepared.  (Many "lighter" schedules only require running 10 miles before the race.  Supposedly, "race day energy" will carry you the last three miles...really, on what planet?!)  I don't even want to know how behind I am on my schedule.  On a lighter note, when I look at the "lighter" running schedules to prepare for a half marathon, I am pretty much right on track, if not ahead (minus skipping this week's short run).  Since my goal is not only to finish the marathon but also to finish it well, this preparation is important to me.  I realize, however, that running when I'm in pain will only get me more behind.  And so it goes, I spent another day being my old self, sedentary...

Quote of the day: "You must listen to your body. Run through annoyance but not through pain" -George Sheehan

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