Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Days 37-42: 11.5 weeks until race

Wow, it's been a long time!  Sorry blog, I've been cheating on you with...facebook?

Yesterday was a rest day, mostly because Mondays are the worse days ever.  I had high hopes but ended up with one too many things to do.  I actually left school at a reasonable hour to make an appointment and then went back to school after.  Ugh!

Days 40-41: Over the weekend, we went hiking and bowling.  You wouldn't think of bowling as a work out, but it can be if you don't each nacho chips between bowls.  I surprised myself by bowling my first turkey ever--and then I even got one more strike for four in a row!  I used the same 12 pound ball to keep the luck coming.  My final score that game was 158, my highest score ever.  Once my right arm was tired and I wasn't concerned about getting a good score, I started to bowl with my left arm (which is just about useless compared to my right).  My plan to "even myself out" worked :)
(You're probably wondering why I am blogging about bowling on my running blog.  I kinda am too.  At this point, my goal is simply to be active, especially since I've been having knee problems.  My running plans recommend running 3-4 times per week, which I think is a little too much, especially since my knee obviously can't handle that much running.  Two to three runs per week would be ideal for me, but currently, I'm running about once per week, only doing my long runs, and letting my knee heal in between.  This is not recommended, but I feel like it's the only option I have besides quitting--hence, the bowling to be active and use my upper body.  A runner friend of mine told me to remember to work out my upper body, so I'm not only focusing and obsessing about running and working my lower body.)
We also hit the gym over the weekend, and I did just about every work out machine there for a short amount of time.  My knee couldn't handle the treadmill, so I ran on the elliptical instead.  I also did pull ups and various weight machines in the circuit.  Thank goodness my husband called to tell me he would meet me at home because I would've spent all day at the gym if I had the choice.

Day 39: Wasn't feeling the best on this day.  I was a little cranky and achy.  Stayed home to catch up on sleep.

Day 38: Oops, I did zero exercises on this day.  How many calories do you burn sitting?  How many muscles get a work out if I stand all day?...

Day 37: Went for a short walk outside around downtown and a nearby beach.  It was such a beautiful day to be outdoors.  Walking in the snow along the beach was a good work out, and it was nice to do something different for a change.

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