Monday, April 30, 2012

Days 69-70: 7.7 weeks until race

We biked for a bit today but not for as long as I would've liked.  The increase in daylight (over 16 hours we get daily now) has officially thrown off our internal clocks.  We'll be out and about for hours before we realize it is 9:30 and bedtime is quickly approaching.  I'm glad I'm a teacher and don't have to work during the summer--it's a difficult adjustment to go to bed when it is sunny outside!
In other news (running news), Nathan has decided that we are banned from running for two weeks while we strength train.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I'm constantly thinking about the next time I'm going to run and for how long and how many miles, but now I have to put those thoughts on hold.  I was almost thinking about running behind his back, but that just sounds like a curse/disaster waiting to happen.  In the meantime, we're going to bike and lift weights.  I'm hoping I can talk him into running in a few days, but if he says no, I won't go against his wishes.  Part of me knows it is a good idea, but another part of me thinks I will get out of shape and lose my endurance (which is not likely over such a short amount of time).  I keep thinking back to Spring Break, when I couldn't wait to run but ended up over-running right before break and having to rest.  I had all the time in the world for a week, but I could barely walk.  I definitely don't want to be injured when I go home to California in a few weeks.  I want to be able to run on the beach! 

Yesterday, ahhh, yesterday.  Talk about "rest" day.  We had free day passes to the Alaska Club that were going to expire, but since we didn't see fit to work ourselves out to the ground (still sore from day before and tired from a long, busy Saturday), we decided to enjoy the more relaxing side of the club.  We wanted to swim laps, but we went during free swim and both lap lanes were busy.  I was so tired--I probably wouldn't have been able to make it to the other side anyway.  We resorted to the hot tub and sauna before we called it a day.  Yes, I know.  What kind of free day pass to the Alaska Club is that, but we DID check out the club and drool over the indoor track (before we realized we just can't afford to become members there).  Planet Fitness will do :)

Quote of the day: "If you under-train, you may not finish, but if you over-train, you may not start" -Tom DuBos

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