Saturday, April 7, 2012

Days 43-47: 11 weeks until race

Today was another sitting day, mostly because my husband and I have been driving around looking at condos to buy.  Well, our driving and sitting has paid off!  We fell in love with a place today and put an offer.  Not many people know, and I'm not supposed to post it on facebook, so this is my way of sharing.  This has nothing to do with running, I know, but now you might understand why I have been doing a whole lot of sitting and looking out a car window.  We DID walk up some stairs as we checked out a few places...does that count as a work out?! ;)

Yesterday: I was able to run a mile before my knee started hurting.  Once I hit the mile mark, I moved to the elliptical to avoid making it worse.  I could barely handle that for a few miles.  My mind was just not into it.  I did some weight machines and called it a day.  I think the running/marathon honeymoon phases has worn off...

Day 45: Rest day...I sat all day :( See today's post (above) to know why...

Day 44: I biked then just wanted to get the heck out of the gym for some reason.  Found an excuse to come home early!
On a better note, I weighed myself on this day and learned that I made my goal!  On a bummer note, I now need to gain weight...great!

Day 43: Rest day!  Bleh.

Quote of the day: "My feeling is that any day I am too busy to run is a day that I am too busy" -John Bryant

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