Sunday, April 22, 2012

Days 60-62: 9 weeks until race

We ran along Turnagain Arm today, 7.5 miles.  The wind was insane!  Talk about some intense resistance.  I felt like I was running in place.
As we ran along Potter Marsh, we were sidetracked watching the spring birds as we ran.  Nathan joked that we were enjoying two hobbies at once.  I was just jealous that the birds can travel so much and not have knee pain.  I wonder if there is such thing as "flyer's wing" for birds (like runners knee for runners).
Once we made it halfway and turned around, the wind was on our side.  I'm glad we planned it that way.  I needed the extra push forward during the second half.
I ran through knee pain, figuring I am in training to endure pain, at this point.  If it weren't for my knee, I feel like I could run forever.  Nathan's knee is the same: sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't.  Hope we get lucky on race day!
After our run, we actually mustered up the energy to hit the gym, which ended up being a short visit.  I felt like I had to work my arms out, so that my upper and lower body would at least both be in pain.  Soon after we got there, we realized we needed to rest and get some food in our bellies.  We got so comfortable on the couch at home that we haven't moved since.

Yesterday was a rest day.  The most amazing thing I did was go to the same restaurant/movie theater twice in one day (movie with friend; then dinner with husband).  I refrained from eating everything in sight.
I was laughing to myself as the couple in the movie ate chocolate truffle after truffle after truffle.  Yeah right.  As they ate each one, I was thinking, That's one mile...that's three...oh, now you're screwed!  Talk about fiction!

Day 60: I caught about 20 minutes of a Zumba class after school.  (I was late because of a meeting.)  I looked around at the end of the class and people were drenched with sweat.  I was dry as a desert.  Guess you really need to be there the whole class to get the full affect.  It was fun, so I will definitely do it again!
That night, we jogged to the red box to kill two birds with one stone.  Talk about cheap date night--we ate at home and watched a one dollar movie rental (and saved on gas).  The run was almost three miles, which I was pretty content with.  Knee was not happy during the last mile, but I pushed forward to make it toughen up.  I thought street running was the answer to my pain, but guess not...

Quote of the day: "Learn to run when you feel the pain: then push harder" -William Sigei, Kenyan runner

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