Sunday, April 15, 2012

Days 52-55: 10 weeks until race

Today, today, today!  We just got back from a seven mile outdoor run.  It must be the treadmill that my knee hates because obviously there was some pain (and torture) but not THE PAIN.  I was surprised when we got home that I could actually go up the stairs and function normally.  I actually could've kept going!  Something is wrong with me.
It was a beautiful day, and we somehow missed the gym's weekend open hours (too busy doing nothing, trying to avoid running).  But once I get my gym clothes on, my husband/running buddy can never say no.  (That, and I will poke him and beg until I get my way.)  He got to lead the way this time, which might I add was very unorganized, but whatever!  Yes, we ran over the same crosswalk three times in a row, mostly because we were near the end and I told him that if I stopped I wouldn't be able to start again.  But the miracle is that we made it out 3.5 miles and then made it home!  The best part is that it took us a little over an hour.  It's about a five minute drive!

Yesterday was a rest day.  I did a lot of nothing and loved it.

Day 53: Went running outside for the first time this year.  The Anchorage break-up is ugly and beautiful, all at the same time.  The "snirt" (snow dirt) is melting away and exposing more and more sidewalk these days...which means OUTDOOR RUNNING!
My husband and I went to check out a nearby trail but decided against it.  That trail snow is holding on tightly to the cold!  The neighborhood sidewalk would have to do.
We ran by my school (which, obviously, I cannot get enough of).  I'm surprised I didn't see a student of mine waving and chasing after us.  But then again, it was eight o'clock.  Gotta love April in Alaska.  The days are long, and the sun shines brightly!  Who needs the gym when you can run outside til 10pm?
Two miles into our run, we turned around to make four miles total.  On our way back, we passed by a house where we had crossed the street to avoid a moose.  There was no sign of him this time, so we kept on chuggin' along.  All of the sudden, we went around the corner, and there he was, chompin' away on some leaves.  Thank heavens he looked preoccupied.  I jumped a little and warned Nathan behind me, who was more frightened by my high-pitched screetch than by the moose itself.  The best was my husband told me not to look the moose in the the moose might hypnotize me or something!

Day 52: After school, I went walking with some co-workers from school.  I initiated the beginning of this new club called "Let's Get Movin'" that will hopefully meet once per week.  We had planned on going on a walking trail for our first meet, but the recent snowfall (now over 133 inches we've had this year) made us want to steer clear from trails.  However beautiful, the trails can be pretty slippery and/or muddy if they've been thawing all day and freezing over at night.  We decided to walk in the nearby neighborhood instead.
Thankfully, we had a direction-coordinated person to lead us through.  I wasn't even coordinated enough to bring appropriate clothing.  Since I thought we were going hiking in snow, I brought my heavy duty snow boots and some stretchy corduroy pants.  I ended up wearing my dansko work shoes.  Oops!
Anyway, we walked at a good pace for about 45 minutes.  It was a lovely day and the fresh air was unbeatable.  I presume we walked almost three miles, which meant I got to skip the gym :)

Quote of the day: "I run because I used to be envious of people that could run, and now I am that person" -Kendra Thompson

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