Saturday, May 5, 2012

Days 71-75: 7 weeks until race day

Today was the Walk and Roll for Hope, a fundraiser for people with disabilities.  I went with some girl friends, and we just walked the 5k (3.1 miles).  I was itching to run for a few reasons: it's been a week since my last run, and I was freezing!  The 5k trail went by a still-frozen over lake and by the ocean, so the morning breeze was not friendly.  You don't get as warm when you are only walking!
When we passed by the 16k (10 miles) route, I was thinking about how that is what I should be running right now.  But, since our knees need time to heal, those double digit miles will have to wait.

Yesterday was a rest day.  I had planned on going to the gym, but my excuse was that I've done something active everyday (even if for thirty minutes).  Good enough reason...and it was Friday!

Day 73: Went walking after school with some co-workers.  We probably walked two miles in forty minutes.  I was at school until seven that night (and then worked more from home), so an outdoor walking adventure was a great mental break.  What a day!

Day 72: Hit the gym late (daylight threw me off again), so I decided weight training was more of a priority than a cardio work out.  I was feeling so tired and weak already--I didn't think I could last on the elliptical when it got tough.  So, instead, I did what Nathan tells me you're not supposed to do: just about every weight machine in the gym (well, the ones I like at least).  Worked my legs, abs, back and arms, and boy, was I ready for a massage after.  Good thing it was late because I went right to bed when I got home!

Day 71: Walking club was short this day because we got a late start, and it is a busy time for us teachers!  Lots to do but have found that escaping school and getting out for a bit really makes me feel better.  I guess it is the next best thing to running! 

Quote of the day: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep" -Robert Frost (Love him!) 

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