Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Days 76-78: 6.5 weeks until race

Today was not only a rest day--it was a sit on my butt for three hours and do report cards day!  After three hours of chugging through, I got what I needed to done and over with (thank goodness).  Ten bucks says nobody ever reads them, but whatever.  Now that they're done at least I can get back to life (and running).  Can't wait!
Walked two miles with a friend after school today.  It's seems more like a social time, but I guess two miles is better than no miles!

Yesterday was a rest day.  Rather than do report cards, I sat on my butt doing something else: I wrote little notes to each student in the writing books I made for them of all their work throughout the year.  Now that's something that is valuable and heartfelt!  What a great way to reminisce over the amazing group of students I've taught over the past two years.  I love them!

Day 76: I just realized that I've had three rest days in a row :( which means I need to get my butt in gear and moving again.  Other than a two mile walk, I've done almost no working out over the past few days.  On top of that, I've been eating junk food because I've had zero time to plan meals or think about a balanced diet.  That's what it comes down to this time of year!

Quote of the day: "Did I really just rest for three days...because it sure doesn't feel like it" -Nicole Staker, after being so busy with end of the year stuff to even think about running--that is a first!

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