Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Days 97-100: 3.5 weeks until race

Day 100!!!  I am in Seattle visiting a friend from college on my way home.  Lucky for me, she is also active and enjoys running, so today, we went for a three mile jog around a lake.  The crazy part was that the Seattle shooting today was just on the other side of the 5-freeway at another park/nearby coffee shop.  Yikes!

Yesterday was a rest/walking day.  My friend and I walked about four miles (at a leisurely pace) around the Washington Arboretum, admiring the trees and colorful flowers.  What a relaxing day!

Day 98:  Rest day!  Laid by the pool with a friend at her family's Memorial Day BBQ :) Thank you to all of our service men and women!!!

Day 97: Went for another seven mile run to, around and back from Mile Square Park.  Love that place!

Quote of the day: "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"

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