Saturday, June 2, 2012

Days 101-103: three weeks until race

Today: Rest day after a great run yesterday!  Read on...

Day 102: Victory!!!  After flying from Seattle to Anchorage and running around like a crazy chicken with my head cut off, I actually made it downtown with plenty of time to pick up my bib for the Skinny Raven 12k (7.46 miles).  A small part of me was considering following the 6k course (because all runners started together).  The good news is I never even saw the signs for the 6k/12k fork, so the temptation wasn't even a possibility.  The first few miles were rough, but the course was interesting enough to keep me going.  We ran over a big freeway bridge twice, around a lake, up one too many hills, and ended at a park in downtown Anchorage.  Once I saw signed for miles 4 and 5, it really sunk in: "I am actually doing this."  Not only did I complete the race, but I did well for myself!  My time according to my ipod (which I started as I crossed the start line) was about 1:08.  The time on the race sign was the same, either 1:06 or 1:08 (I instantly forgot).  When I checked my time online, it showed 1:12.  I'm thinking the discreptancy is the fact that it might've taken me a minute or two to cross the starting line from being way in the back.  Either way, I'm happy to call it an even 1:10 (even though I secretly know I did at least a 1:08).  That means I ran about 6.5 miles per hour and averaged a 9:30 mile.  I did that for 7.5 miles!!!

Day 101: Went out and about in Seattle, which included some walking and site seeing.  I was mentally getting ready for a big day!

Quote of the day: "I run because it's my passion, and not just a sport. Every time I walk out the door, I know why I'm going where I'm going and I'm already focused on that special place where I find my peace and solitude. Running, to me, is more than just a physical exercise... it's a consistent reward for victory!" -Sasha Azevedo

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