Thursday, June 14, 2012

Days 112-115: 1.3 weeks until race

Today was a rest/catch up day.  After losing my consistency of going to the gym and then going again, I'm sore and feeling lazy.  Today is a good day to lay around, catch up, and blog about all the running I've been doing--it's hard to feel like blogging right after a run when all I want to do is lay down and do nothing!

Yesterday we did a three mile run around the neighborhood.  I would've liked to run a couple more miles (strange to admit), but we were pressed for time.  It worked out anyway because I went to the gym with a friend and ran two more miles on the elliptical.  It felt great, but the best part came after: we went for a dip in the pool and swam a few laps, laid in the steamer and sat in the jacuzzi.  Now that's what I call a fun "work-out!"

Day 113 was a rest from running day.  I was suprised by how mobile I was the day after a ten mile run (see below).  The night OF the ten mile run is what I dreaded.
I surprised myself today and hit the gym in the morning before I did anything else.  Yes, the free bagels and coffee on the second Tuesday of the month was very motivating (until I got there and they had no cups for coffee).  I worked my arms out with some weights and was pleasantly suprised that I still have arm muscles after neglecting them for a month!

Day 112 was a long run: 10 miles. Not only was it long distance-wise, but it took a looong time, unfortunately. I was hoping to be done in 1 hour and 40 minutes (10 minute miles), which is the pace I did on my nine mile run last week, but my knee wasn't having it. About halfway through the run, I had to stop to walk. The last half of the run was a battle between wanting/trying to run but knowing I shouldn't because of my knee pain. All in all, it took two hours, 30 minutes of which it was raining on us. The rain was actually good practice (in case it rains on race day)--and heck, I'm sure the miserable run was practice in some form or another!

Quote of the day: "Just remember  -  right, left, right left...repeat" -Jordan F (whoever that is), from this site:

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