Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Days 104-107: 2.5 weeks until race

Today was a great day!  I ran my longest distance yet, 9 miles.  It took me almost 90 minutes, and I ate two bugs along the way (and one went in my eye).  The reason it took me a while longer than expected was because I did some walking along the way when my knee started to hurt.  Giving it a break every now and then helped (which is a new lesson to me).  Apparently, walking breaks help your running muscles recharge and also help you conserve energy so you can work out longer and build endurance.  I have mixed feelings about this, mostly because there are times when I have slowed down to walk and then regretted it when I tried to run again--oh, the pain!
The last few miles of my run today were pretty tough, but I pulled through and even sprinted the last 400 meters.  The people at the part probably thought I was insane because I ran by them so many times-twice with a friend when we ran two miles (out one mile and then back), two more times when I went out and back seven miles to make nine miles, and another two times when I did my final sprint and cool down.  I may look crazy, but it's worth it!

Yesterday was a rest day :)

Day 105: Ran five miles around the neighborhood.  My ipod battery beeped low right as I was heading out, so I couldn't track my mileage/time, but at least I was able to listen to music. 

Day 104: Rest day

Quote of the day: "The will to run means nothing without the will to prepare" -Juma Ikangaa, 1989 NYC Marathon winner

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