Monday, April 30, 2012

Days 69-70: 7.7 weeks until race

We biked for a bit today but not for as long as I would've liked.  The increase in daylight (over 16 hours we get daily now) has officially thrown off our internal clocks.  We'll be out and about for hours before we realize it is 9:30 and bedtime is quickly approaching.  I'm glad I'm a teacher and don't have to work during the summer--it's a difficult adjustment to go to bed when it is sunny outside!
In other news (running news), Nathan has decided that we are banned from running for two weeks while we strength train.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I'm constantly thinking about the next time I'm going to run and for how long and how many miles, but now I have to put those thoughts on hold.  I was almost thinking about running behind his back, but that just sounds like a curse/disaster waiting to happen.  In the meantime, we're going to bike and lift weights.  I'm hoping I can talk him into running in a few days, but if he says no, I won't go against his wishes.  Part of me knows it is a good idea, but another part of me thinks I will get out of shape and lose my endurance (which is not likely over such a short amount of time).  I keep thinking back to Spring Break, when I couldn't wait to run but ended up over-running right before break and having to rest.  I had all the time in the world for a week, but I could barely walk.  I definitely don't want to be injured when I go home to California in a few weeks.  I want to be able to run on the beach! 

Yesterday, ahhh, yesterday.  Talk about "rest" day.  We had free day passes to the Alaska Club that were going to expire, but since we didn't see fit to work ourselves out to the ground (still sore from day before and tired from a long, busy Saturday), we decided to enjoy the more relaxing side of the club.  We wanted to swim laps, but we went during free swim and both lap lanes were busy.  I was so tired--I probably wouldn't have been able to make it to the other side anyway.  We resorted to the hot tub and sauna before we called it a day.  Yes, I know.  What kind of free day pass to the Alaska Club is that, but we DID check out the club and drool over the indoor track (before we realized we just can't afford to become members there).  Planet Fitness will do :)

Quote of the day: "If you under-train, you may not finish, but if you over-train, you may not start" -Tom DuBos

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Days 66-68: 8 weeks until race

Today was the 2012 Anchorage Heart Run at University of Alaska, Anchorage.  This marks a year that I have been running and participating in races!
Our goal was to complete the 5k (3.1 miles) in about 27 minutes, which is a little faster than what we usually run when we do long runs.  Strategically, when you run shorter distances, you should be able to run faster since you are decreasing length.  We pushed hard the first mile and completed it in a little over eight minutes, but soon after, my body decided to wig out, especially my stomach.  I think I must of just been pushing too hard because the next thing I knew, I felt like a wanted to barf and die (or die and barf).  At about our halfway mark (13 minutes, which means we would've completed the three miles in 26-27 minutes), I gave up and decided to walk.  No point in being miserable.
It was disappointing, but I realize that sometimes that is how runs go.  It could've been the pressure of race day, or my expectations, but I knew something wasn't right and my body was telling me to stop.  I know I could've kept running, but I didn't want to.  Sometimes, knowing when to stop is more important that pushing to make your goal.
We still got a good work out, of course.  Walked about 45 minutes (20 minutes to complete the race and another 25 to get to the race from the car and back).  I can also tell because I have been starving!  Heart Run registration gives all participants a free subway 6-inch sub.  Can't wait :)
As for the race, there is always next time!

We hit the gym for our usual Friday night-nothing to do routine.  Rather than biking for 30 minutes, I upped my routine to 45 AND increased the resistance in order to strengthen my quads to help minimize knee pain.  About halfway through, I noticed my right quad was feeling more tired than my left.  Big ah-ha moment!  My right leg probably gets a better workout and is therefore stronger and does not experience pain.  For the rest of my stationary bike ride, I focused on using my left leg more.
We also did a few weight machines to strength train, especially glutes and hips.  Our doctor recommended the leg extension/curl machine for quads and hamstrings, so that is in our usual rotation.  By the time we left the gym, my legs were def fatigued--right before race day!  Yikes!!

Day 66: I went walking with some teachers after school.  We got side tracked and ended up at a dead end street and not much time to get back.  Paying attention to where you are walking is always a plus.
We walked three miles in one hour, which was a good enough reason to skip the gym that day.

Quote of the day: "Anybody running beats anybody walking, and anybody walking beats anybody sitting" -Tom Bunk

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Days 63-65: 8.5 weeks until race

Today we jogged to the gym (two miles), worked out in the circuit for 30, and then jogged back home.  It was a total of about 65-70 minutes and a four mile round trip run.  Nathan and I agreed that running, lifting and running was a good variation of activities.  After about 20-30 minutes of something, you start to get bored, and that was about the time when we were switching gears.  Before we knew it, we were home and relaxing soon enough...eating to refuel ourselves up.  Bread has been my best friend, specifically the fresh french bread from the nearby grocery store.  Nathan brought some home today, and I could tell he had gone out of his way (past Wal-Mart and Fred Meyer) to get the good stuff.  And boy, is there nothing like munching down on some carbs after a work out.  Forget ice cream and sweets.  I'm a carb-loader, and I finally found a way that I can eat all I want--run it off!
Nathan, on the other hand, has turned into a monkey.  He ate a banana at breakfast, lunch and after our run.  That's three bananas in one day!  Bread and bananas have about the same amount of calories (and bananas are no doubt better for you than bread), but who would pick a banana over fresh french bread?  At least that means I don't have to share!

Yesterday: Rest day #2
My knee was still bothering me.  Plus, we had some things to do around the house.
Nathan inspired me to do some research on runner's knee and we found this site:,7120,s6-241-285--13841-0,00.html
What a great article!  I took notes on some running tips (like take shorter strides and land on bent knees).  I tried to ignore the part that said you should stop running when you feel pain--oops!
The best part about this read was the exercises it gives to help strengthen your legs in order to avoid knee pain.  Basically, our left knees are hurting because we are right footed, so our right legs can handle the pressure and impact of running while our left knees cannot.  In order to run without knee pain, you need to have strongly developed quads, hips and glutes.  These are muscles that can be developed by biking, uphill walking/running, and various strength training exercises (like lateral side steps, squats and hip flexors).  Our doctor also has recommended strengthening our quads and hamstrings by using the leg extension and curl machines.  Other exercises like the elliptical machine and swimming can be a good low-impact work out for those in between days.  Generally, you should not run everyday--nor would you want to.  Healing/rest days are the most important days in a running schedule.
That being said, we are going to try to implement all of these strategies over the next few weeks (while we continue our running plan).  Only 58 days until the big race day!

Day 63: Rest day (more like could barely move the day after a 7.5 mile run day).  I was a sorry sight.

Quote of the day: "Desire is the most important factor in the success of any athlete" -Willie Shoemaker

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Days 60-62: 9 weeks until race

We ran along Turnagain Arm today, 7.5 miles.  The wind was insane!  Talk about some intense resistance.  I felt like I was running in place.
As we ran along Potter Marsh, we were sidetracked watching the spring birds as we ran.  Nathan joked that we were enjoying two hobbies at once.  I was just jealous that the birds can travel so much and not have knee pain.  I wonder if there is such thing as "flyer's wing" for birds (like runners knee for runners).
Once we made it halfway and turned around, the wind was on our side.  I'm glad we planned it that way.  I needed the extra push forward during the second half.
I ran through knee pain, figuring I am in training to endure pain, at this point.  If it weren't for my knee, I feel like I could run forever.  Nathan's knee is the same: sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't.  Hope we get lucky on race day!
After our run, we actually mustered up the energy to hit the gym, which ended up being a short visit.  I felt like I had to work my arms out, so that my upper and lower body would at least both be in pain.  Soon after we got there, we realized we needed to rest and get some food in our bellies.  We got so comfortable on the couch at home that we haven't moved since.

Yesterday was a rest day.  The most amazing thing I did was go to the same restaurant/movie theater twice in one day (movie with friend; then dinner with husband).  I refrained from eating everything in sight.
I was laughing to myself as the couple in the movie ate chocolate truffle after truffle after truffle.  Yeah right.  As they ate each one, I was thinking, That's one mile...that's three...oh, now you're screwed!  Talk about fiction!

Day 60: I caught about 20 minutes of a Zumba class after school.  (I was late because of a meeting.)  I looked around at the end of the class and people were drenched with sweat.  I was dry as a desert.  Guess you really need to be there the whole class to get the full affect.  It was fun, so I will definitely do it again!
That night, we jogged to the red box to kill two birds with one stone.  Talk about cheap date night--we ate at home and watched a one dollar movie rental (and saved on gas).  The run was almost three miles, which I was pretty content with.  Knee was not happy during the last mile, but I pushed forward to make it toughen up.  I thought street running was the answer to my pain, but guess not...

Quote of the day: "Learn to run when you feel the pain: then push harder" -William Sigei, Kenyan runner

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Days 56-59: 9.5 weeks until race

Today was another rest day, the second this week.  I had high hopes to hit the gym and at least bike, but I haven't been feeling that well.  Nathan stayed home sick the other day.  I think I am due for a full rest day soon here, and thankfully, the weekend will be here just in time.  There have been too many things going on at school to be able to relax and catch up on rest!
As guilty as I feel for being lazy today, here is my reasoning: I would rather skip a work out today and feel better tomorrow, so I can stay on my running schedule.  There's nothing worse than having to move back a run that you've been looking forward to (getting over).  I'd rather skip a bike than a run!

My "movin'" club met yesterday, which consisted of me and one other gal.  Everyone else was feeling the pressure of the last month of school.  We felt it too...we just decided that some fresh air couldn't make it worse :) In fact, outdoor walking is one of the best ways to de-stress.  Hopefully you are not so stressed that the thought of walking stresses you out though...because then maybe you should pass on the walking.
We walked around the school's neighborhood for 45 minutes at a brisk pace--probably about 3 miles.  And yes, we talked and vented about school!  Nathan was probably thankful that I got it all out before I got home. 

Day 57: Hit the gym after a week away.  Outdoor running is a great way to exercise while escaping the gym.  One of the best things about outdoor running in Alaska this time of year is that you can run your little heart out and never get sweaty.  It's cool enough that your sweat just evaporates away before it even collects, so you stay cool (and look cool--not like a dying, sweaty mess).  The gym felt like a sauna after being able to run outside and stay cool. 
Oddly enough, after a seven mile outdoor run the other day, I could only manage to run on the treadmill for two minutes.  I may never run on a treadmill again.  The elliptical is my new training best friend, at least now that I can run outside. 

Day 56: Rest day.  Mondays are good rest days :)

Quote of the day: "Everyone is an athlete. The only difference is that some of us are in training and some are not" -Dr. George Sheehan
(He forgot choice c: some of us are in training but are enjoying those "rest" days)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Days 52-55: 10 weeks until race

Today, today, today!  We just got back from a seven mile outdoor run.  It must be the treadmill that my knee hates because obviously there was some pain (and torture) but not THE PAIN.  I was surprised when we got home that I could actually go up the stairs and function normally.  I actually could've kept going!  Something is wrong with me.
It was a beautiful day, and we somehow missed the gym's weekend open hours (too busy doing nothing, trying to avoid running).  But once I get my gym clothes on, my husband/running buddy can never say no.  (That, and I will poke him and beg until I get my way.)  He got to lead the way this time, which might I add was very unorganized, but whatever!  Yes, we ran over the same crosswalk three times in a row, mostly because we were near the end and I told him that if I stopped I wouldn't be able to start again.  But the miracle is that we made it out 3.5 miles and then made it home!  The best part is that it took us a little over an hour.  It's about a five minute drive!

Yesterday was a rest day.  I did a lot of nothing and loved it.

Day 53: Went running outside for the first time this year.  The Anchorage break-up is ugly and beautiful, all at the same time.  The "snirt" (snow dirt) is melting away and exposing more and more sidewalk these days...which means OUTDOOR RUNNING!
My husband and I went to check out a nearby trail but decided against it.  That trail snow is holding on tightly to the cold!  The neighborhood sidewalk would have to do.
We ran by my school (which, obviously, I cannot get enough of).  I'm surprised I didn't see a student of mine waving and chasing after us.  But then again, it was eight o'clock.  Gotta love April in Alaska.  The days are long, and the sun shines brightly!  Who needs the gym when you can run outside til 10pm?
Two miles into our run, we turned around to make four miles total.  On our way back, we passed by a house where we had crossed the street to avoid a moose.  There was no sign of him this time, so we kept on chuggin' along.  All of the sudden, we went around the corner, and there he was, chompin' away on some leaves.  Thank heavens he looked preoccupied.  I jumped a little and warned Nathan behind me, who was more frightened by my high-pitched screetch than by the moose itself.  The best was my husband told me not to look the moose in the the moose might hypnotize me or something!

Day 52: After school, I went walking with some co-workers from school.  I initiated the beginning of this new club called "Let's Get Movin'" that will hopefully meet once per week.  We had planned on going on a walking trail for our first meet, but the recent snowfall (now over 133 inches we've had this year) made us want to steer clear from trails.  However beautiful, the trails can be pretty slippery and/or muddy if they've been thawing all day and freezing over at night.  We decided to walk in the nearby neighborhood instead.
Thankfully, we had a direction-coordinated person to lead us through.  I wasn't even coordinated enough to bring appropriate clothing.  Since I thought we were going hiking in snow, I brought my heavy duty snow boots and some stretchy corduroy pants.  I ended up wearing my dansko work shoes.  Oops!
Anyway, we walked at a good pace for about 45 minutes.  It was a lovely day and the fresh air was unbeatable.  I presume we walked almost three miles, which meant I got to skip the gym :)

Quote of the day: "I run because I used to be envious of people that could run, and now I am that person" -Kendra Thompson

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Days 48-51: 10.5 weeks until race

Today was a somewhat successful day.  I was able to run a few miles, but I also had to force myself to ignore my knee pain.  I thought about stopping after one mile and working out on the elliptical, but that would mean I've made no healing progress over the past few rest days.  I decided to just give it a go, especially since I haven't done in long run in over two weeks.  The run itself wasn't so bad--I'm just worried about what tomorrow will bring--hope I can walk in the morning!

Yesterday was a non-gym day, but I was busy cleaning the house, getting somewhat of a work out...

Day 49: I cut my run short after two miles because of knee discomfort, and oddly enough, couldn't wait to get on the stationary bike.  I think I just needed to do something even more mindless, and since I can text while I bike, it went by super fast.  Funny how perspective changes based on mood--I usually hate the gym stationary bikes!

Day 48: Happy Resurrection Day!  I was dying to go to the gym, thinking I could've chugged out seven miles (yeah right), but my husband "convinced" me it was a rest day.  Agreed (with little argument)!

Quote of the day: "Tomorrow is another day, and there will be another battle" -Sebastian Coe, Olympic runner

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Days 43-47: 11 weeks until race

Today was another sitting day, mostly because my husband and I have been driving around looking at condos to buy.  Well, our driving and sitting has paid off!  We fell in love with a place today and put an offer.  Not many people know, and I'm not supposed to post it on facebook, so this is my way of sharing.  This has nothing to do with running, I know, but now you might understand why I have been doing a whole lot of sitting and looking out a car window.  We DID walk up some stairs as we checked out a few places...does that count as a work out?! ;)

Yesterday: I was able to run a mile before my knee started hurting.  Once I hit the mile mark, I moved to the elliptical to avoid making it worse.  I could barely handle that for a few miles.  My mind was just not into it.  I did some weight machines and called it a day.  I think the running/marathon honeymoon phases has worn off...

Day 45: Rest day...I sat all day :( See today's post (above) to know why...

Day 44: I biked then just wanted to get the heck out of the gym for some reason.  Found an excuse to come home early!
On a better note, I weighed myself on this day and learned that I made my goal!  On a bummer note, I now need to gain weight...great!

Day 43: Rest day!  Bleh.

Quote of the day: "My feeling is that any day I am too busy to run is a day that I am too busy" -John Bryant

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Days 37-42: 11.5 weeks until race

Wow, it's been a long time!  Sorry blog, I've been cheating on you with...facebook?

Yesterday was a rest day, mostly because Mondays are the worse days ever.  I had high hopes but ended up with one too many things to do.  I actually left school at a reasonable hour to make an appointment and then went back to school after.  Ugh!

Days 40-41: Over the weekend, we went hiking and bowling.  You wouldn't think of bowling as a work out, but it can be if you don't each nacho chips between bowls.  I surprised myself by bowling my first turkey ever--and then I even got one more strike for four in a row!  I used the same 12 pound ball to keep the luck coming.  My final score that game was 158, my highest score ever.  Once my right arm was tired and I wasn't concerned about getting a good score, I started to bowl with my left arm (which is just about useless compared to my right).  My plan to "even myself out" worked :)
(You're probably wondering why I am blogging about bowling on my running blog.  I kinda am too.  At this point, my goal is simply to be active, especially since I've been having knee problems.  My running plans recommend running 3-4 times per week, which I think is a little too much, especially since my knee obviously can't handle that much running.  Two to three runs per week would be ideal for me, but currently, I'm running about once per week, only doing my long runs, and letting my knee heal in between.  This is not recommended, but I feel like it's the only option I have besides quitting--hence, the bowling to be active and use my upper body.  A runner friend of mine told me to remember to work out my upper body, so I'm not only focusing and obsessing about running and working my lower body.)
We also hit the gym over the weekend, and I did just about every work out machine there for a short amount of time.  My knee couldn't handle the treadmill, so I ran on the elliptical instead.  I also did pull ups and various weight machines in the circuit.  Thank goodness my husband called to tell me he would meet me at home because I would've spent all day at the gym if I had the choice.

Day 39: Wasn't feeling the best on this day.  I was a little cranky and achy.  Stayed home to catch up on sleep.

Day 38: Oops, I did zero exercises on this day.  How many calories do you burn sitting?  How many muscles get a work out if I stand all day?...

Day 37: Went for a short walk outside around downtown and a nearby beach.  It was such a beautiful day to be outdoors.  Walking in the snow along the beach was a good work out, and it was nice to do something different for a change.