Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Days 97-100: 3.5 weeks until race

Day 100!!!  I am in Seattle visiting a friend from college on my way home.  Lucky for me, she is also active and enjoys running, so today, we went for a three mile jog around a lake.  The crazy part was that the Seattle shooting today was just on the other side of the 5-freeway at another park/nearby coffee shop.  Yikes!

Yesterday was a rest/walking day.  My friend and I walked about four miles (at a leisurely pace) around the Washington Arboretum, admiring the trees and colorful flowers.  What a relaxing day!

Day 98:  Rest day!  Laid by the pool with a friend at her family's Memorial Day BBQ :) Thank you to all of our service men and women!!!

Day 97: Went for another seven mile run to, around and back from Mile Square Park.  Love that place!

Quote of the day: "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Days 91-96: 4 weeks until race

Today is my friend's wedding, which is why I am in California.  Energetic about the big day, but obviously will have to wait to run tomorrow.  Lots to do!

Yesterday was a rest day.  Every time I had to get out of a chair after sitting for a while, I was reminded that I did a looong run yesterday.  My next run will have to wait a day or two :)

Day 94: I'll chose my words wisely, as not to write a novel.  This was one of my best runs yet for a few reasons:
#1 - My knee did not hurt that much (I wore a knee brace)
#2 - It was a long run that I was proud to complete!  7 miles!!
#3 - I ran to, around and back from Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley.  The weather was cool, the sun was barely poking through the clouds, and the park scenery was just what I needed :)
The beauty of this run was that I could've kept running.  I made myself stop at 7 miles because I didn't want to over do it.  I hope race day is just like this run!

Day 93: Rest day--as in laid out at the beach :)

Day 92: Ran five miles AT THE BEACH!  (Not on the sand since my official run won't be on sand.  Would've been good on my knee for a lower impact run.)
I am so excited to blog about this run because it was so long ago that I forgot about how miserable it was. The scenery and ocean breeze were unbeatable, but my knee was not having it.  I was tempted to walk the last mile but pushed through and glad I did!
Later that day, my friend text me to invite me to do a five mile run with her.  I was proud to tell her, "I already did my five mile run for the day!"

Day 91: Rest day after mini triathlon mock :)

Quote of the day: "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Days 83-90: 5 weeks until race day

Today.  Today!  TODAY!  After traveling all day yesterday and getting very little "rest" over the past few days (read below to understand), I decided it would be a good idea to do a mock mini-triathlon with some friends.  We woke up early and ran a 5k (3.1 miles), biked 15 miles and then did some pool laps.  What killed me was the biking part and how long it was!  My poor little Alaskan-can't-go-outdoor-biking-quads were so not ready :( I hope I can make it up the stairs tonight!
The other problem with the biking part was that I was just super, the cruisin' people were passing me.  Honestly, I think I would rather have a longer running distance and shorter biking distance, but I say that only because I'm better at running than biking.  The good news is I made it and didn't even have to walk the bike up any of the hills, which by the way are really easy to underestimate.
I thought swimming last would screw me up (and that I might drown from exhaustion), but the pool swim was short and sweet...and nice and cool!  I don't know how people can do a triathlon in reverse (especially a full distance one).  Running AFTER biking and swimming--yeah right!!
Altogether, the mock mini took us about two hours (30 minutes running, a little over an hour biking and 10 minutes swimming, plus transition time).  The verdict is: I am barely ready for any sort of triathlon or anything that involves biking!  I shall stick to running, as long as my knee sticks with me!

Day 89: Flying day; sat in a plane and stared at the seat in front of me, thinking how some people would pay big bucks to travel on a plane that has a built in gym/treadmill.  That would offer better ways to pass the time.

Day 88 was quite an amusing day!  After checking out of my classroom for the summer (YAY!), I dropped off the car at Nathan's work and jogged to meet some friends at TGIFriday's.  I hung out for a bit before leaving to jog to my next destination, Spenard Roadhouse, one of our favorite restaurants.  Running and stopping to hang/snack with friends: the best of both worlds.  I think I could do that all day!

Day 85-87: Note to self--finishing a school year while also packing boxes to move from one place to another while also packing for an upcoming vacation does not leave much time for anything else.  These were "rest days," if you can call them that.  You can't really rest very thoroughly on a blow up mattress (bed was already packed up into storage).  Yikes!

Day 84: Hit the gym in a very attention deficit way.  Couldn't do much of anything for more than 20 minutes without getting super bored, so I decided my goal for the day was to migrate from machine to machine: treadmill (walking only), elliptical, bike, and various weight machines did the trick :)

Day 83: "Rest day," again, if you can call it that.  This is when the official "moving" started...

Quote of the day: "The Creator has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do" -Orison Swett Marden

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Days 79-82: 6 weeks until race

Today is better than yesterday.  We were supposed to go on a little weekend trip with friends but the weather is not permitting (we were going to fly somewhere in our friends' plane).  Instead, we are stuck at home trying to avoid the corner of boxes on our frail legs and knees.  I already stubbed my toe :(
Our plan for the day is to hit the gym to walk/bike.  Tomorrow will be running day.  And you bet I'm dying to run outside, not on the dumb treadmill that hurts my knee.  Praying for sunshine!

Yesterday was a cranky day (ladies, you know what I mean).  Enough said.

Day 80: Went on a walking field trip with my class to the nearby park to pick up trash.  Was a good little walking workout and I'm sure the raking helped too.  I've been eating junk food due to the fact that I have little energy and lots to do during the end of the school year.  Almost there!

Day 79: Rest day.  Pretended to start packing to move but did not get very far...

Quote of the day: *Speechless. Words take too much thought/energy...* :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Days 76-78: 6.5 weeks until race

Today was not only a rest day--it was a sit on my butt for three hours and do report cards day!  After three hours of chugging through, I got what I needed to done and over with (thank goodness).  Ten bucks says nobody ever reads them, but whatever.  Now that they're done at least I can get back to life (and running).  Can't wait!
Walked two miles with a friend after school today.  It's seems more like a social time, but I guess two miles is better than no miles!

Yesterday was a rest day.  Rather than do report cards, I sat on my butt doing something else: I wrote little notes to each student in the writing books I made for them of all their work throughout the year.  Now that's something that is valuable and heartfelt!  What a great way to reminisce over the amazing group of students I've taught over the past two years.  I love them!

Day 76: I just realized that I've had three rest days in a row :( which means I need to get my butt in gear and moving again.  Other than a two mile walk, I've done almost no working out over the past few days.  On top of that, I've been eating junk food because I've had zero time to plan meals or think about a balanced diet.  That's what it comes down to this time of year!

Quote of the day: "Did I really just rest for three days...because it sure doesn't feel like it" -Nicole Staker, after being so busy with end of the year stuff to even think about running--that is a first!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Days 71-75: 7 weeks until race day

Today was the Walk and Roll for Hope, a fundraiser for people with disabilities.  I went with some girl friends, and we just walked the 5k (3.1 miles).  I was itching to run for a few reasons: it's been a week since my last run, and I was freezing!  The 5k trail went by a still-frozen over lake and by the ocean, so the morning breeze was not friendly.  You don't get as warm when you are only walking!
When we passed by the 16k (10 miles) route, I was thinking about how that is what I should be running right now.  But, since our knees need time to heal, those double digit miles will have to wait.

Yesterday was a rest day.  I had planned on going to the gym, but my excuse was that I've done something active everyday (even if for thirty minutes).  Good enough reason...and it was Friday!

Day 73: Went walking after school with some co-workers.  We probably walked two miles in forty minutes.  I was at school until seven that night (and then worked more from home), so an outdoor walking adventure was a great mental break.  What a day!

Day 72: Hit the gym late (daylight threw me off again), so I decided weight training was more of a priority than a cardio work out.  I was feeling so tired and weak already--I didn't think I could last on the elliptical when it got tough.  So, instead, I did what Nathan tells me you're not supposed to do: just about every weight machine in the gym (well, the ones I like at least).  Worked my legs, abs, back and arms, and boy, was I ready for a massage after.  Good thing it was late because I went right to bed when I got home!

Day 71: Walking club was short this day because we got a late start, and it is a busy time for us teachers!  Lots to do but have found that escaping school and getting out for a bit really makes me feel better.  I guess it is the next best thing to running! 

Quote of the day: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep" -Robert Frost (Love him!)