Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 1: 123 days until race

Since I am lucky enough to work for the government and have a bunch of paid holidays, I knew today would be a running day--mostly because I'd have a lot of time on my hands  (or feet) and nothing better to do.  So, I got my hiney to the gym and did what I do best: prepared my body and mind for over-stimulation.  I listened to music, scanned 20 television channels that I couldn't hear, checked facebook, and secretly competed with the girl running next to me, who by the way was wearing shorts that I wore as underwear.  While I will admit that I got sweaty and hot, I don't believe what I think of as underwear should be worn in public as shorts...especially when your body is going to bounce in every which way.  Anyway, I totally beat her because she was run/walking, and I ran for almost an hour.  Yes, keep in mind I am running slowly, 5 mph (12 minute miles), but before you many miles did you run today?!  There, I feel better now.  No, really; after my initial two miles, it was all downhill.  I was running with the intention of completing four miles, but I got to three and realized I was "in the zone."  I figured that extra half mile wouldn't hurt.  In fact, it brought me to my longest run yet: 4.5 miles, which is about one third of a half marathon.

If all goes well, I plan on doing 1-2 short runs this week, and by short I mean 2-3 miles.  As I sat in the massage chair today at the gym after my run, I came to the realization that a 2-3 mile run is probably what I should be aiming for, like running a 5k in good speed (7-8mph).  But, that goal just doesn't seem as torturous.  So, here I am.  Hopefully, by next weekend my long run will be up to five miles, for a weekly total of 13.5 miles--which means I can run a half marathon in a week ;)

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