Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Days 8-9: 16.5 weeks until race

Day 9: What an accomplishment today was!  After waking up and reminding myself that I had not died due to training, I went through my daily routine wondering if I would have the energy to run at the end of the day.  (Just like anyone else, if I don't "feel" like running, it makes it really hard to get to the gym and do my best.)  Within moments of peeling myself out from bed, I was already trying to make up an excuse for why I couldn't run today and why I should take a rest day instead.  I think running is killing brain cells because I never thought of a good enough reason.
So, off I went to the gym with the goal of running three miles, maybe three and a half.  After mile one, I was able to break through my mental brick wall.  After mile two, I was more than halfway.  At mile three, I realized I still had it in me, so I went for it, and then, to my surprise, I kept on running.  I actually had to stop myself after five miles because it was the longest I'd run, and you never want to increase your mileage too much when you are first starting.  The pain didn't start rushing into my knees until after I stopped running and starting noticing how strange it was for my body to NOT run.  I guess it only takes 45 minutes to form a habit.
Thank goodness for the gym crowd today.  During my run, I had so many amusing people around me to distract me that my run was over before I knew it.  Like the old man to my left who was running faster than me.  I swear, he came next to me on purpose to make fun of how slow I was running!  And then there were the two super loud girls to my right.  I could hear their entire conversation OVER my headphones.  By the end of my run, I actually increased my speed to get it over with and "show them."  Which I did.  I think I was the first person on the treadmill tonight and the last one off.  Victory!

Yesterday (day 8) was a cross training day (active rest from running), so I decided to bike at the gym since it had been a while.  The beauty about cross training at the gym is that I can chose from so many torturous machines: the elliptical (which I went from loving to hating--see post for day 7), the stair machine, the bike, etc.  As horrible as the elliptical was the other day, it was beaten by the boringness of day 8's stationary bike work out.  The stationary bike at the gym never feels like a work out to me because anything that involves sitting sounds lazy.  Of course, it's very different from biking outside, as I've been reminded by a crazy biker friend, but that is just not a possibility for me right now.  Maybe come May when the temperature is above freezing.  Until then, the stationary bike it is!
The positives to biking as a cross training activity: you get to sit, and it actually is one of the best ways to burn calories (second to running, I've heard).  It's also a great quad work out (better than running).  I haven't quite learned how to burn a lot of calories biking because when I set the bike to automatically change the resistance randomly so I'm not bored, I spend the entire work out changing the work out level because the resistance gets too hard or too easy.  I guess I am just not as smart as the bike!
As I completed my embarrassingly low calorie burning work out, I thought to myself that I had earned a small amount of calorie binging when I got home (and by small, I mean 100 calories).  Lucky for me, biking day was also Girl Scout cookie delivery day!  I somehow made the mistake of skipping out on Thin Mints this time, but the boxes of Tagalongs and Samoas would do.  And so, at the end of my thirty minute bike routine, I came home, turned on the Bachelor and enjoyed one measly Tagalong.  Mind you, that one cookie made up for most of my burned calories, but eating a cookie and watching the Bachelor just sounded like the right thing to do.  (It also sounded like what depressed people do, except they eat all BUT one cookie!)

PS. Running MUST be killing brain cells because my mind just wasn't the same tonight after my run.  I left the gym without my jacket (in 20 degree weather), tried to turn my ipod down using my computer, and had to ask my husband what 14+14 was.  But my leg muscles make up for it!

Quote of the day: "Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started" (which is my case was zero because I never really moved--darn you treadmill!)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 7: 117 days until race

After two nights of bad sleep, we woke up this morning and were obviously moving a little too slowly.  I had somewhere to be at noon, and before I knew it, I was at the gym calculating that I could barely fit in a thirty minute work out on the elliptical.  I used to love working out on the elliptical--back during my first few months of exercising.  It was easy on my knees and the closest second to the running motion.  The elliptical is also how I lost most of my weight in the beginning.  It's a great way to burn a lot of calories and still be able to move/function properly afterwards.  I remember the days when I could work out on an elliptical machine for an hour.  Those days are long gone...
Talk about boring!  That was worse than just getting on the darn treadmill, and it wasn't as rewarding because it was easier yet somehow more challenging at the same time!  Thankfully, Britney (Spears, in case you are wondering) was able to get me through it.  And yes, we are on a first name basis, mostly because I now listen to her daily on my ipod.  While I'll admit that she's not the most talented singer in the world, there's just something comforting about hearing the lyrics "fasten up your seatbelt, it's gon' be a bumpy ride" during a not-so-smooth workout ;)

Quote of the day: "We are often so caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey" -Anon.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Days 4-6: 17 weeks until race

Day 6: Today was the Walk for Life Fundraiser at the Alaska Dome.  I went early because I knew today was going to be a busy day.  Although I only raised $100 for the Pregnancy Center in Anchorage (goal was $200), they still let me participate.  They also let me run, which really made my day.  The dome is the largest air-supported structure of its kind in North America and provides an indoor soccer arena surrounded by a semi-padded running track (great for the knees).  And when it's 14 degrees outside, nothing beats running indoor somewhere other than the gym.  I actually had to propel my body forward, rather than just lifting my legs and letting the treadmill do most of the work.  I also got to look around at something other than butts in underwear/shorts and even saw a friend.  And because she wasn't at the gym, she was dressed appropriately for public eyes.  That was a plus.
Although in theory, running on a treadmill is easier than running on a track or outdoors, I always run better when I'm not on a treadmill.  There's just something scary about a treadmill that makes me run slower--maybe the thought that I might set my speed too high and fall flat on my face in front of everyone at the gym.  When running on a track, there's comfort in knowing that I have the control to stop/slow down/speed up/turn at any given moment.  A treadmill belt just doesn't offer that kind of control to a runner, or to me at least.
After I got past my three mile wall, I realized I only had one mile left, which was four times around the track.  The number four felt great compared to when I started and was thinking, "I need to go around this thing 15+ times!"  Surprisingly enough, there was so much activity going on all around me, that before I knew it, my run was over.  Listening to "There is No Arizona" by Jamie O'Neal helped get me pumped (and pissed) as I ran my last stretch.  The song is about a women who is deserted by some liar guy who keeps telling her he's going to come for her and bring her with him to Arizona.  What a jerk, and what a great reason to get pissed and finish hard!

Day 5: Because of such a crazy day/week at work, I was already beat by the time I hit the gym.  Also, since day 6 was going to be a longer running day, I decided to do a one-miler on day 5.  I increased my speed since I decreased my distance.  It's amazing how much faster a short distance goes by, especially when you are running at a faster rate.
I also went to a one hour yoga class to help me stretch and relax after my gym work out.  I was the most inflexible person in the class, but I'll just assume that's because I was also the toughest and most muscular runner...

Day 4 was a complete rest day.  The most activity I did was moving my pizza from my plate to my mouth, although I thought about how I should technically just stuff my face into my plate to promote less movement.  By the way, I ate half of a medium pizza.

Quote of the day: *singing/belting* "There is no..Arizona..."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 3: 121 days until race

Surprisingly enough, I made it to the gym today to do a "short" three mile run.  I used to consider short the distance from my couch to the bed...oh, how times have changed.  Even more surprising is the fact that I think I would rather run than write about running at this point.  I'm almost at a loss for words, WHICH NEVER HAPPENS--honestly, I sometimes wish it would happen to me more.  Anyway, I did my mini-run, and my mind just kinda wandered...and wondered how I ran 4.5 miles two days ago--that must've been torture, so I'm glad I don't remember it! 
So my favor to my readers is to please bare with me on this journey, when I'm excited and when I'm not; when I have good news and when I don't.  Last night I was reading about the so-called "honeymoon phase," and my goal (besides torturing myself by running--hence the blog site) is to stay positive and enjoy the ride.  This may be the only time I endure this type of challenging commitment, although I hope to have the courage to do it again!  There I go, planning my next marathon before I run the first...wishful thinking!
I guess the good news for my readers for today is: if you don't run, wouldn't you consider the next best thing to read about running?  Wish I could burn calories for you--no really, I'm always starving! 

Quote of the day: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right" -Henry Ford

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 2: 122 days until race

Today was my "active" rest day.  I decided to cross-train by doing the 30 minute circuit work out at my gym, Planet Fitness.  (On a side note, I love my gym!  I always thought gyms were nasty germ-infested places where people check each other out and try to compete...well, they are germ infested...but there's something different about Planet Fitness--the whole "judgment free zone" thing is awesome!  They sound an alarm when people annoyingly grunt or drop weights.  I'd go just to see that!)...Back to my work out.  The best thing about today's work out was that my training buddy, my beloved husband Nathan, decided we were done after the circuit because his knee was starting to hurt (plus, it was getting late and we were getting hungry for dinner).  On the way home, I told him we should switch off days we are "injured" so that every work out is cut short...I'll take MWF; you take T/Th.  Now that sounds like the key to a successful work out plan :)

Quote of the day: "This is what training is all about, slowly tricking your body into believing that it's a marathon runner" -Dawn Dais, The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide For Women, pg. 74

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 1: 123 days until race

Since I am lucky enough to work for the government and have a bunch of paid holidays, I knew today would be a running day--mostly because I'd have a lot of time on my hands  (or feet) and nothing better to do.  So, I got my hiney to the gym and did what I do best: prepared my body and mind for over-stimulation.  I listened to music, scanned 20 television channels that I couldn't hear, checked facebook, and secretly competed with the girl running next to me, who by the way was wearing shorts that I wore as underwear.  While I will admit that I got sweaty and hot, I don't believe what I think of as underwear should be worn in public as shorts...especially when your body is going to bounce in every which way.  Anyway, I totally beat her because she was run/walking, and I ran for almost an hour.  Yes, keep in mind I am running slowly, 5 mph (12 minute miles), but before you criticize...how many miles did you run today?!  There, I feel better now.  No, really; after my initial two miles, it was all downhill.  I was running with the intention of completing four miles, but I got to three and realized I was "in the zone."  I figured that extra half mile wouldn't hurt.  In fact, it brought me to my longest run yet: 4.5 miles, which is about one third of a half marathon.

If all goes well, I plan on doing 1-2 short runs this week, and by short I mean 2-3 miles.  As I sat in the massage chair today at the gym after my run, I came to the realization that a 2-3 mile run is probably what I should be aiming for, like running a 5k in good speed (7-8mph).  But, that goal just doesn't seem as torturous.  So, here I am.  Hopefully, by next weekend my long run will be up to five miles, for a weekly total of 13.5 miles--which means I can run a half marathon in a week ;)