Friday, June 21, 2013

18 hours until MARATHON!

Savoring this moment of excitement.  My poor husband--he's been having to deal with my "inspirational-ism," like when I was taking a bath last night and saying things like "this is the last day we will wonder what our marathon time will be...let's just savor this."  LOL.  Yeah, I've run myself crazy, but I've enjoyed every minute of it and am especially happy to be capturing it via blog (and sharing it with people in Germany and Russia--who'da thought?!).

I've taken tapering to a whole new level by pretty much quitting running completely (oops).  After a 20 mile run and 4 mile walk two weekends ago, I've been cross training (hiking, weight lifting, kayaking) to give myself a change of pace.  I know myself enough to recognize that if I cut back on running, I will miss it dearly and enjoy the next run that much more.  I DID run a 5k this weekend, slowly, more for pleasure, and ran three miles Monday morning and evening.  I find the short runs to be less enjoyable than the long ones--by the time I get into my "groove," it's over.  Strangely, yes, I'd rather run 20 miles than 2.  The sense of accomplishment makes it completely worthwhile.

I spoke with a long time friend a couple days ago who has run over 10 marathons, 5 of which were Boston.  She was surprised by my level of calmness and confidence.  I know I'm fairly motivated, but confident???  I figure I've done what I can, and I'm as ready as I'll ever be; there's no point in wishing I would've done more or less or whatever.  I did the training that made the most sense at the time given the circumstances (time, weather, fatigue, health, etc.).  The way my friend put it: I've done all the work; now the race is the opportunity to celebrate it.  Phew--that certainly takes off the pressure!

At this point, my husband and I would LOVE to finish in four hours, but if it doesn't happen (which it probably won't), oh well.  Realistically, we'll probably finish more like 4:30.  My back up goal is five hours, which seems totally manageable.  As long as I'm not injured (which I better not be), we just want to finish!  And of course, savor it! :)

Quote of the day: "If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon" -Emil Zatopek, Czech long distance runner and winner of three Olympic gold medals

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