Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Highly Recommended Hikes for all levels

Winner Creek in Girdwood
Four miles one way, although I've only ever made it to the tram and turned around.  This is a fun, flat, easy hike.  Great for families, but I generally seek a little more thrill when I hike (peaks, scrambling, etc.)

Byron Glacier near Portage
Easy 1.2 hike to a glacier.  I haven't done this hike in a few years, but I know from driving by that many of these glaciers have receded a good amount.  It may be a longer hike to actually get to the glacier, but it's a nice walk regardless.  Also great for families!
If you like this hike, I would highly recommend Portage Pass (scroll down to see more info or click on link)

Powerline Pass
From start to finish, this hike is 14 miles, but you can do any part!  I hiked from Glen Alps to the bridge (2.5 miles) alone and then again with a friend.  The trail is busy and wide enough that I didn't feel too paranoid about running into wildlife alone, but I would still proceed with caution, especially in the spring.  The trail is very flat, making it easy to run, bike, hike, take children, etc.  I can't wait to complete all 14 miles of this hike!

Mt. Baldy in Eagle River
1.5 miles uphill with a great view on a clear day!  This is an awesome hike because it is short enough to complete in a couple hours and close enough that you don't need all day to drive, hike, etc.  There is a path to the neighboring peaks for those who want to continue.  The link below describes this hike as moderate, but I would say it is somewhat easy.  There are a few steep parts but not as much scrambling as Flat Top.  Would be a good alternative for those who are looking for something other than FT.

Bird Ridge off Seward Highway, 25 miles south of Anchorage
One of my favorites!  TOUGH 2.5 miles uphill and lots of false peaks.  Awesome hike on a beautiful day as it gives you a phenomenal view of Cook Inlet.  You can also follow the ridge if you wish to continue further.  Bring food, water and layers--you will be hungry, thirsty and sweaty by the time you make it to the top!

Monday, May 23, 2016

I've been cheating on my treadmill with my yoga mat...

...and it's been amazing!

For the past month, running has taken a back seat in my life, due to the busyness of ending another school year, flying to California for a wedding weekend, wanting to explore/hike Alaska instead, etc.  I also had a frustrating but short-lived case of runner's knee after a measly one mile hike, so I thought it was all a sign that I should take it easy and pass on my favorite half marathon (which is this weekend).  As much as I wish I could run it, I haven't trained, and I would much rather spend Memorial Day Weekend away from the city.

On top of that, about a week ago, I got a one-month yoga pass to one of my favorite places--Anchorage Yoga.  Right now, they have a deal for $59 for one month, and you don't have to commit to a three month minimum and all that.  You just pay $59 for one month.  Best thing ever! <--- Check it out here!

So, in leu of running, I've been hot yoga-ing.  I've been going about three days a week and the change of pace has been super motivating.  I have even been able to wake up at 5:10 to make the 6am class (those that know me know that I am NOT a morning person).  I've found that waking up that early for yoga is waaay better than waking up that early for a run.  If you are tired, you can still do yoga; but if you wake up at 5am and are tired, your run gonna suck!

Anyway, I finally ran today, and I felt like I was the subject of an experiment.  I wasn't sure if I would be better, worse, faster, slower, out of breath, etc.  I thought I might get shin splints or runner's knee immediately.  I had a dream the other night that I ran after taking this long break and that my new mile time was 12:30!  Thankfully, I was able to run five miles at about my usual pace, a little slower (9 minutes).  I experienced no pain and could've continued running; however, I'm a conservative runner and plan on staying that way.  It has worked so far--I have never been seriously injured, and I've met my race time goals.  I hope to run 6-7 miles this weekend in preparation for the Twilight 12k in two weeks.  I may not PR, but I will definitely have fun and know that my downward dog has gotten better and that my upper body and core are much stronger from yoga :)


Monday, April 25, 2016

Hiking Adventures

After increasing distance to nine miles for a half marathon in May that I likely won't do (who stays in town on Memorial Day weekend?!), I started experiencing some knee pain.  Rather than run through it, I've been focusing on my favorite outdoor cross training: hiking, hiking and more hiking!

Here are our most recent adventures and some photos:

Lazy Mountain (near Palmer), April 2016
Not for the lazy at all!  Considered "short" because it is only five miles round trip, but the steepness makes up for it.  Let's just say that after this hike, Nathan said he will be researching the descriptions more closely before he agrees :) 

Reflections Lake (near Knik River bridge), April 2016
Easy one mile walk around lake.  Would be great for picnics and families. 

South Fork Rim Trail (Prospect Heights, Hillside), April 2016
Easy, short loop.  We took Powerline back, making it about two miles round trip.

Portage Pass (Whittier), April 2016
Why haven't we done this hike before?!  It's 1.5 miles up a slight hill but totally worth it on a sunny day.  You are rewarded by a view of Portage Glacier, as well as Whittier and the Prince William Sound.

Virgin Falls (Girdwood), April 2016
More like a walk than a hike--you are there before you know it.  Lots to explore, but the waterfall (probably main attraction) takes only a few minutes to get to and is worth a pic.

Eagle River North Fork (Eagle River), April 2016
Easy, flat walk to the river.  Great for families!  One mile round trip.

Dew Mound Trail (Eagle River Nature Center), April 2016
Six mile loop-stops by Dew Lake and Eagle River.

And one for ol' time's sake:

Alyeska North Face (Girdwood), August 2014
Two miles uphill from Alyeska Resort to the top of the tram.  Nice view of Cook Inlet, and you can take the tram down for yes, you are kinda getting paid to hike (save 20-something dollars)!

Quote of the day: