Thursday, June 11, 2015

NEED to post/reflect/update

It's been over a year since I've blogged, but it will be easy to catch you up to speed (pun-intended).  I have been enjoying running, especially with my puppy (who is no longer a puppy) and new running mates!  (I've been trying to get people to jump on the running band-wagon, except there's no wagon because you have to use your own two feet to stay with us!)  It's been pretty successful, and if I could tag those people on my blog, I would, but they know who they are!!!

But really, I've watched people lose weight, get into shape, get addicted to runners high, and increase lung capacity.  I've also watched people learn that they can enjoy running outside with other runners JUST FOR FUN.  That is a huge enlightenment for some people.  And it all starts with moving your left foot, then your right foot, then your left foot all starts with simply giving running a try!

As for my own journey as a "runner" (still weird when people refer to me as such a thing), I've learned that I can take a week off and then not die when I go for a run again.  I've learned that the 3.5 YEARS of running that I have under my belt, or shoes, or whatever, are MINE, and cannot be taken from me, even if I miss a run here or there.  I've learned that I can sleep, eat what I please, and think better after a run.  In fact, when I'm cranky, my husband often tells me lovingly, "why don't you go downstairs for a bit" (and visit our treadmill).  It is my happy place.  It is time for me.

Aside from that, I've learned what it means to run alone, and how liberating that can be, as well as what it means to run with others.  Sharing a run and runners high is really no different than sitting around a campfire and sharing memories.  Oh, and I like to share memories, especially secrets...
(I've learned that I don't hold my thoughts back when I run.  A day, week, month later, I hear myself say out-loud, "I told you that story?..." when I'm chatting with friends.  Oops.  Your secret is safe with me, until I run and tell everyone everything!)

I've learned that races are fun, although they can be a bit defeating at times.  I PRed during my last 12K race, BUT the first half of the race was so disheartening because I just kept getting passed, and passed, and PASSED!  In retrospect, I probably started too close to the finishing line (beginner's move, I know), so I was running with people who clearly had a faster mile pace than me.  However, I kept my head up and just ran for me.  I imagined that I was running alone, running for myself, running to beat my previous time.  And I did!  Of course, the competitive part of me said, "really, you couldn't cut off three more minutes" when I crossed the finish line at 1:03, but then the other part of me said, "no, and shut up!"

The good news is, I cut 10+ minutes off my time.  Did I enjoy the race as people were passing me and I had a heart-to-heart mid-run?  I've been better.  But when my Lady Gaga song came on, everything changed!  And when I saw that hill in front of me, I owned it.  And then I PRed, had some snacks and went home.  I got to run, which means it was a good day.

The next day, I was browsing through my race time, pics, video, etc. and decided to compare it to the last few 12K's I've done over the years.  Here are two pics:

Aside from the fact that I'm wearing pretty much the same thing and look like I'm carrying the world in my front pockets (the new iPhone 6 is larger than life, literally), I noticed...
MY FACE!  I look miserable during my PR (second picture) but happy as a clam as I finished the race with a friend.  My NEW race goal is to stop worrying about my time and have fun.  Less pressure, more smiles.  And then...who cares if someone passes me?!